Bhutan is unique in all aspects, geographically, culturally and economically. Even the developmental principles and concepts are completely unique too.
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Monday, 29 October 2018
The Concept of "NO" in Bhutanese culture.
Bhutan is unique in all aspects, geographically, culturally and economically. Even the developmental principles and concepts are completely unique too.
The Concept of "NO" in Bhutanese culture.
Bhutan is unique in all aspects, geographically, culturally and economically. Even the developmental principles and concepts are completely unique too.
ECB, the Boss
attending public forum. Kuensel on 21 March 2018 reported that "Screening of any audiovisual products or documentary clips and display of written or pictorial materials, which depict the past achievements of a candidate are also prohibited. I hope these information are untrue and wrong and ECB would come up with clarification on this. If these information are true, I personally feel, ECB is over regulating the conduct of elections in the name of the free and fair election in the country. The rights of media are regulated and controlled. Voter's right to know about their candidate's past history of strengths and weaknesses cannot be revealed. People's (voter) right to question and scrutinize our candidates are deprived. Right to vote is to watch a ECB Staged Public Forum and vote on basis of what ECB wants. I say Staged Public Forum, because those voters who are there to attend the public forum has no right to question their own candidates and civil servants and LG members are barred from even attending the staged drama. On what basis, the Civil Servants and LG Members are barred?