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Wednesday, 11 December 2019
The Supreme Court nullifies parliamentary act, making non-bailable offence bailable
Does the labour law extend to employees of RUB?
Does the labour law extend to employees of RUB?
Mandatory drugs testing – violating current drugs law?
screening to protect drug dependents from victimization by the state or the society and to recognize drug dependency as merely a disease. American Society for Addiction Medicine defined drug dependence as “a treatable, chronic medical disease involving complex interactions among brain circuits, genetics, the environment, and an individual’s life experiences”.
Mandatory drugs testing – violating current drugs law?
More than two sessions of parliament a year-Legally permissible?
Right to Free Speech vs. State Control – A balancing dilemma
Court-annexed mediation: bringing justice closer to people
Did OCP fail their duty?- A Lesson from MagneSSA and Oriens fraud
Did OCP fail their duty?- A Lesson from MagneSSA and Oriens fraud
Of appeal and of differing judgment – A misconception
The Constitution and the LG Act 2009 makes it clear that, LG the master and not local bureaucrats
The news of tussle between the Local Government (LG) members and the local administration is not new. This time, Kuensel news stated that since “the civil servants are directly under the control of the Dzongdag”, LG is unable to assert their authority on the civil servants in the local government administration. Dzongkhag Yargay Tshogdu and Gewog Yargay Tshogchung were established in 1981 and 1991 as path to democracy. Till 2008, the LG were mainly functioned under the leadership of Dzongdag and Dzongkhag
National interest must prevail over institutional interest and territorial protection
The recent news of tussle between Office of the Attorney General and the Anti-Corruption Commission on investigation and prosecution are of national concern. It must be reminded that, ACC and OAG are both established under the Constitution but with different objectives and purpose and also to act as check and balance. If both the institutions are granted same authority, of prosecution and investigation, then creation of separate institutions does not arise. Article 27 of the Constitution provides primary function of ACC to “prevent and combat corruption” among others, as opposed to Article 29, where the OAG is mandated to “institute, initiate or withdraw any case in accordance with law”. Manifesting the objectives of Article 27 Section 3 (a) (iii) of the ACC Act authorizes the ACC to “investigate corruption” and Sections 81-159 provides detailed investigation processes and powers.
Of safety and protecting our children
The news of rape and murder of an eight-year-old in Paro shocked the nation. This unthinkable crime pierced through the minds of every Bhutanese. Its good to see that, so many Bhutanese wept with the grieving parents and felt the tremors of such shocking wave of crime in country. Many took to social media calling for restoration of capital punishment in rage of anger and impulse. Such heinous crime does indicate that, the preventive measures for our children are questionable.
Should presumption of innocence restored and conviction held in abeyance upon appeal?
The legal turmoil this week has been whether the Home Minister should resign during the pendency of his appeal because he was convicted by the trial court.
This situation is not unique to Home Minister’s case. Thus, it merits a discussion. The intricacies of whether an appeal amounts to suspension of decisions of lower court in whole or partly remains a subject of interpretation among many legal fraternities.
BCSR vs anti-corruption laws
At a closer glance, RCSC remained silent on the actual contents of the Supreme Court decision cited in their press release. The public have no knowledge of what the court has decided. The Commission resorted to interpret Rule no. 19.10.1 and 19.10.5 of BCSR, 2018 elaborately to justify their decision. This interpretation seems incorrect in every legal sense. Firstly, BCSR, 2018 is mere a delegated legislation and has no authority of whatsoever to nullify provisions of the law made by the parliament. Secondly, BCSR itself categorically stated that it is promulgated under Article 26 of the Constitution and Civil Service Act. This means, every provision of BCSR originates from the Civil Service Act and applying these provisions to nullify Suspension Order issued under the ACC Act is nothing short of a fundamental error in interpretation of a law. Neither the ACC Act nor the Civil Service Act provides any provision authorizing RCSC to review suspension orders issued under the ACC Act.
Sections 167 (2) and (4) ACC Act, 2011 is unambiguous. These provisions provide that, once the suspension order is issued becomes mandatory and no other institution has discretionary power to revoke in any way. In fact, the suspension order not only extends to an investigation but also till the end of the outcome of final appeal. The parliamentary act manifested in the ACC Act is crystal and thus, suspension order is binding. Discretionary authority derived by RCSC in the present case deviates too far from the whole gamut of legal interpretation, validity and enforceability of laws enacted by the parliament. This also undermines parliamentary sovereignty. It would not wrong to presume that, ACC would have reviewed and considered all the circumstances before, they issued the suspension order. The only proper and legitimate way to challenge such order is through courts.
It is universally recognized that the constitution has an overriding effect on the statutes (parliamentary acts) and parliamentary acts have an overriding effect on rules and regulations (delegated legislation) made by the executive. However, in this case, delegated legislation tried overriding provisions of the parliamentary act. This contrives the universally recognized principle. In fact, to ensure this principle, Bhutan’s Constitution explicitly provides a clear separation of power among the legislature, the judiciary and the executive. Balancing the pros and cons of such decisions in a democracy will be the only means of nurturing and strengthening our unique democracy, envisioned by our farsighted and visionary monarchs.
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article are the personal opinions of the author. The facts and opinions appearing in the article do not reflect the views of Kuensel or JSW school of law.
This Article was published in Kuensel for Saturday Legal Column Series