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Sunday 30 May 2010

Vegetable shopping: Indirect gambling

Vegetable market has become one of the busiest in the capital since its establishment.  Thimphu City Corporation took care for sometime but failed to maintain proper decorum. The Ministry of Agriculture took over from City. BAFRA was strong enough to maintain
proper decorum ranging from setting up and segregating different kinds of goods and produces people brought here. That is something everyone must have appreciated except few venders who had to pay more when BAFRA took over.
The only one thing that I observed is the prices of the vegetables sold here. No price tags, not fixed price. Although many sell the same type of vegetables say beans, carrot, tomato, broccoli etc but the prices are all different from each other. Thus, the interesting part is who can play or has the luck gets these at cheaper price than the other unfortunate ones. For instance, one sells a kg of bean for Nu.50 another sells for Nu.50 per kg. That is quite a huge difference if you’re buying more kgs. It is even more painful for the person who has just enough to buy few things.
SO the real challenge here is think good and be good so that we might lend up in lighter hand where we get at a cheaper price. Isn’t it a kind of indirect gambling, because we never know what is it at the other side?

1 comment:

  1. Hey Sonam, I totally agree with you. But you have said it otherwise. I quote, "For instance, one sells a kg of bean for Nu.50 another sells for Nu.50 per kg." Is that different?

    Maybe you mean to say Nu. 30 or 40.

    But on the whole, nice point you are raising here. Keep it up!


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