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Thursday 15 July 2010

The Auspicious Days

Today the 4th Day of the Sixth Bhutanese Calender is considered to be one of the most important days in a year. This is because, this day is commonly celebrated as the Drubtshezhi and its significance is enormous. In short, this day is observed as the First Sermon Day of Lord Buddha.

For me, it is even more important. The reason is that I am attending the 14th Convocation Day in Royal Institute of Management confirming my completion of Post Graduate Diploma in National Law.

Today, a total of 147 graduates received our diploma certificate of which 99 were Post Graduate Diploma and  rest diploma in various fields. 

1 comment:

  1. Great that you guys enjoyed alot..i feel sorry that i couln't savor the sweet moment..anyways good luck..c ya around...hey! it was indeed to see you on BBS, you were awesome on the screen!


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