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Friday 28 October 2011

Youth leadership

Like any country, Bhutan is no exception when it comes to the youth leadership. Recently, media reported on the emergence of two new political parties in Bhutan. The report cited that lack of competent and senior leaders to take part in the parties are the major
setback for forming such parties in the country thought more than 60 percent of the population comprise youth below 30 years of age. 

As I dwell around this issue for while, numerous answers came to my mind. One of the prominent answers that came to my mind is WHY CAN'T OUR YOUTH BE THE POLITICIANS? IS IT THE LAW OF THE NATURE THAT POLITICIAN HAS TO BE SENIOR CITIZEN? WHY SENIOR, WHY NOT YOUNG PROFESSIONALS OF BHUTAN?

The issue seemed complex , very complex for the simple reason that no one trust  leadership in youth. Everyone seems to go by the saying  "Wisdom grows with age". No one seem to find wisdom in youth because they are not able to take the risk, they are not ready to accept new ideas.

For instance, in any office, if a young officer take initiative, he would be blamed for over acting smart, with lots of ego, with no respect to elders. Not realizing that these people are the ones who think more and know more of the future than the rest. The elders want to subdue and suppress the ideas of the youth not remembering that the ideas of the young are more direct, more fresh, more innovative, more futuristic and modern. All they want is the archaic from of life.

Till the world realizes that old needs to listen to young and its only through the young that bridges the gap between the future and past, there will be no real youth leaders anywhere.

Note: This article is subject to review in future for final version

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