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Sunday 8 March 2015


Today is the International Day of Woman. It is observed every year on 8th March. First let’s, agree that without woman, there can be no man and without man, there can be no woman as well. Thus, now, who is more important, who is more superior?  The answer is simple, no one. This means, we should accept the both as equal and same and deserves same treatment and equality. If we as man want respect from woman, love from
woman, care from woman and so let’s reciprocate them in the same manner. If we do as men, they would do as women.

Personally, I have never supported any form of manly superior mindset towards woman and certainly not any form of violence towards any woman.  I will never tolerate any form of violence against any woman what may the reasons be more so in my own family. Let’s make it happen from our own houses.

Let’s as man, first learn to appreciate the wisdom and non-violent element in every woman which are inherent and embedded in their blood. All men love our own mothers and female in our own family and exceptions are rare. If we can change our mind to do the same to rest of woman in the society, we don’t have to talk about woman’s protection. This year’s theme is “MAKE IT HAPPEN”. Thus, everyman,  join our hands to love every woman and treat them equally, it does not cost anything, just a little more emotion and love in our hearts “we can make it happen.”

In Bhutan, thanks to every Bhutanese parents though they are also old  and traditional. Our old parents have not seen cars till 1960s and  heard of mobile phones till early 2000,  and internet and television till late 1990s. Yet, Bhutanese parents have such open hearts and liberal thinking that they have accepted the sea change in life style of our young people both men and women from way of thinking to styles of wearing modern dresses. I feel proud of our nation and our people though we still have some inequality between men and women which is negligible compared any of our neighbouring countries. We are fortunate in Bhutan where cast, race, colour etc have become story of the past. However, we still have some discrimination against woman including people's perception on woman's ability to lead nation and many such platforms. We must as a society must learn to make this happen. Palden Drukpa Gyalo.

To my loving gentle wife and woman in my family, I have respected every one of you and loved you all with not a pinch of violence in my life because you all treated me the same. 

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