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Friday 1 April 2016

The needs

--> Today, with increase in more unemployment and escalating rate of unemployment rate every year, employment is everything for them. It has been to me for long time. Since my education started, I dreamt of becoming someone in life. In simple sense, I wanted to get
employment. Thanks to everyone who helped me to get my education till this stage. Today, I proudly completed my post graduate diploma after overcoming numerous obstacles.
I know that job is everything for me too. However, that is not the end for me to enjoy. There are still many things undone. In fact I am now going to encounter more challenges ahead as I open my new chapter and write about it. These challenges range from hunting for houses to procuring household items to paying rents to bills to other necessities. It also includes looking after my own family and relatives to marriage to forming my own new family. These are all needs and obligations and duties beside my daily office work. When these arise, now I wish that I am still a student and not in a job so that I don’t have to face these new  challenges
I am now just waiting to write down these ups and downs.

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