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Monday 8 May 2017

Youth unemployment vs. Government policy of overseas employment

Posted on my fb on 8th May 2016

The urgency and caution: The desperation of unemployment should not be cause of our youth's future in misery and sufferings in a foreign land.

The comments by the suspended Overseas Agent, if
what is reported is true, then at worst most condemnable. For such an atrocious comments and he must be demanded to publicly apologize for such insensitive comments. And strictest punishment must be accorded  including adequate amount of compensations for violating the contract terms. The way, he puts that we should not be bothering of such complaint shows the agent's greed, irresponsibility and sheer deliberate negligence to value of human lives and towards our own young and innocent people.  His suspension is another evidence of this agent's primary motive to rob them of their poor parent's hard earned money with false promise of better future.
The desperation of unemployment should not be cause of our youth's future in misery and sufferings in a foreign land.
With the news of their treatment, if responsible agencies do not do something, we can only expect the worse considering the fact that some of them despite of all threats and dangers managed to inform us of their situation.

Eg. An expat American has been arrested in the United Arab Emirates for comments he posted on Facebook while in the US about his abuse and mistreatment in Dubai. Therefore, there is not doubt about the imminent dangers to their carrier and lives.

Lets hope that our government and political parties would unite beyond politics to solve the issue at the earliest and save our own people from being enslaved like animals as they are not paid for months, works ten hours daily, experience the abuse and mental torture they suffer and effect of such abuse in their own life and their family.


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