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Saturday 26 December 2009

The Choice and Me

Seventeen years ago, I was mere a human body and mind without sense and logic to think, analyze and talk sense. The world was unknown to me. I thought that Bhutan was so big and India was just a small country, yet the name of United States was known to me as a country far away from Bhutan separated by ocean. During that time, Bhutan was divided into 18 dzongkhags, which to me was too vast. I was then admitted into school. That was the beginning of my life to see beyond where I was and know that there is so much to learn in my life. I was introduced to alphabets. I was taught
to listen, speak sense, think rationally and answer accordingly. As years passed by, I grew more and more intellectual. I thought and told that I want to become and engineer.
I passed class six board exam with quite good marks and even eight and ten. I chose science as my subject to become someone with science background. I did quite well in the class but not in ISC, I failed to fulfill my ambition. I gave another try and succeeded little. I went to my tertiary education in Sherubtse college. Someohow, by the grace of god and my teachers and parents, I managed to finish right on time.
Then, by luck and my confidence which I built over many years as a public speaker from school days to college, I managed to get into media. I was selected for Bhutan Broadcasting Service, I enjoyed the work, I had many ambitions to become one of the renowned reporters in the country. But the time that I had to sacrifice force me to appear for the Civil Service Common Examinations. Without much preparation, I took the step to appear the exams. My choice was then no more journalism but something else.
Almost a year back, I was fortunate to be one of the candidates to be selected for the Post Graduate Progammes. On the day of the selection, suddenly a new course was announced, that was PG in National Law. None of the candidates who qualified for the Public Administration took the risk of getting into the new course. Only ones who could not get into the Public Administration took the risk and admitted themselves into the Law course. Some I know still regret for taking the law. For me, not to falter myself, instead to tell the fact, I took the risk and gave up Public Administration, in spite of me being qualified into it. Despite of numerous criticisms, I joined in RIM for the PG in National Law. So now my choice was Law and not science anymore.
Today, I finished my Law course from RIM and about to get my placement in few days time. Now, the choice I have is where to get myself. Should I get in Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Works and Human Settlement (Construction Development Board), Ministry of Information and Communication, Anti-Corruption Commission, Bhutan Narcotic Control Agency, National Land Commission and Office of the office of the Attorney General. That is the choice I have yet I don’t know which path to take. I decided that this time, I will ask other people to help me in getting the right choice because this is the choice that I will be making my lifetime.

1 comment:

  1. oh my god! you are scaring me. like you i am asking people around too so that i could make a right choice but everybody tells me to follow my heart which at the moment is numb and not helping much.
    so what are you going to do? which ministry are you going to join? do let me know too.
    all the best


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