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Wednesday 30 December 2009

RCSC places 99 PG Trainees

A total of 96 post graduate diploma holders from Royal Institute of Management were given their choice of placements based on merit ranking this morning by the officials
of Royal Civil Service Commission.
A total of 99 candidates went for the post graduate diploma in RIM including one from corporation. Of the 99 two could not get their placement due to their failing in core subjects during the training.

Of the 99, 30 were post graduate diploma in national law, 35 in public administration and 35 in financial management. out of 30 in post graduate diploma in national law, only 4 were LLB graduates and rest 22 were general graduates of Sherubtse College and Institute of Language and Cultural Studies.

on 7th of January, the graduates along with the 2009 RCSC selected candidates in technical category will receive their long awaited first employment order from the Chairperson of RCSC, Honourable Lyonpo Thinley Jamtsho.

The graduates will be then send to their respective post and places which include, the Ministries, agencies and Dzongkhags.

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