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Tuesday 11 August 2009

Bhutan Government pays five hundred thousand in a day to the Government.

On 9 August, 2009, a report compiled by Phuntsho Wangdi revealed that Bhutan government pays Nu.500,000 to government of India every day just as an interest for borrowing Rs 5 billion from India to meet the rupee requirements in the Bhutanese economy. This figure is quite alarming looking at the present economic growth, strength and the financial capability of Bhutan. The only source of income for Bhutan is through hydro power, which is highly driven by the nature. No one can say that what may happen to this natural resources with the global climate change at an alarming rate. It is therefore, the responsibility of the new government to think well, look at from different angles on the implications of such borrowings and take the step. Otherwise, we may never know the future implications of such steps taken. "Think Twice Before We Leap"

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