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Saturday 1 August 2009

Business politics vs Bhutanese Shopkeepers

The general assumption among the people is that Bhutanese business people are bad when it comes to business politics. But these assumptions are not anymore true. The business people are really on good track especially in the urban areas like Thimphu. Most of these people now do care about their clients or customers. Even if they are not in mood, when they see customer enter their shops, they smile and with a honorific words asks can i help you. However, there are exceptions as rule of nature. One of the main reason behind such is because today's people are better educated, more exposed to the outside world. It is also driven by sense of competition as same commodity or item can be found in many shops. Thus, opportunities are always there to lose or gain customers. Customers also not only look at the price of the item but also look at the character or the behavior to their customers. The best word that can describe about the businessmen is whether they are customer friendly or not. Be more

customer friendly

and sale more to become a business tycoon one day.

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