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Monday 10 August 2009

Human Resource Management: In Reality

Favourtism and nepotism are the two most cache words used in the Bhutanese Bureaucracy.Fortunately or unfortunately it is true to certain extent.Bhutan Civil Service Rules (BSCR) was documented to address the issue but it failed to a large extent. Then came Position Classification System (PCS). It has numerous clauses and rules protecting the rights of the employee, the principle of right people for the rght job. But it was in all paper and never turned into reality meaning practice. In fact this document created more confusions among the agencies and Human Resource Managers, the employees and the Royal Civil Service Commission(RCSC) the very organization responsible for bringing the document. RCSC did try saying that this is a document which ensures better transparency, accountability and efficiency. However, it has been almost four years in implementation yet still nobody seems to appreciate it. Rather it has always been in a controversial issue and still remains and looks will remain the same if the present trend continues. With the establishment of democracy, it is further expected to increase due to political influence. At least at the moment, the government agreed to be a zero tolerance to corruption is some sort of relief to some but in reality, it will exist as far as human existence is there. No government, no polices, no principles, not with even the most dedicated citizens holding these post can root out the trend of favouring their own traits. This is because every human is believed to be born with some patch of dark spot and ego which overcome the good qualities in us. The only difference is how much we can actually control out evil qualities. Thus, in nutshell, no human resource management classes, conferences, workshops, trainings, public advocacy etc. will bring a complete and ideal situation of human resource management in any organization or to any employee.

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