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Wednesday 5 August 2009

Writing Book: Budhhism vs modern

Writing book is always considered to be tough and only few people write. Since i m also interested but yet to pick up the habit. I was trying to write and i went through many books in both english which more modern as well as traditional way of writing. The major differences we see in these writing is: The Traditional way of writing is more flowery and decorative means more use of adjectives. In the traditional writing. acknowledgment is written at the last page such as name of the author, year of publication, publications etc. In the traditional style of writing, it always starts by paying homage to their lama and Buddha. This stanza is written so as to get blessings from the lama or Buddha. It is believed that once that is done then the whole work on this book will be accomplished without difficulties by the blessing of the god. It then follows where the author makes himself so low by saying that he does not have any knowledge like others. He also before talks on the main content talks about the author also promises that he or she will complete the work well and not leave incomplete. Incase of modern style of writing, first there is preface,then there is also on the author. In case of modern writing, we write about the achievements unlike traditional ones. Modern way of writing includes less adjectives and more concrete ones.

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