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Sunday 29 November 2009

The concept of GNH is growing more complex

His Majesty the 4th Druk Gyelpo propounded the philosophy of Gross National Happiness in 1979 during an interview with an Indian Media. Since then, it has caught attention from all works of life. However, it remained a philosophy on which people defining it as the sum total happiness
of all the people in the country.
In 2004, the Centre for Bhutan Studies for the first time organized an international conference on Operationalizing of Gross National Happiness. Subsequently, the centre organized similar international conferences in Canada, Thailand and this year is Brazil. Since then, the concept of GNH has grown beyond the comprehension of the common people. The development of pillars of gross national happiness followed by indicators, indexes and even GNH accounts. Such complex concepts have made GNH as a Sexy Catch phrase at the international arena.
Now the question that remains is how it can be applied in the ground realities of the common people. The concept has grown too high, most common people today feel that GNH is only for the experts and high level officials. At times, we as common citizen feel that GNH is becoming more technical and complex with more arithmetic calculations, analysis and deductions of results.  
Let us wait and see what is new concept that has originated from the latest conference held a few weeks ago in Brazil?

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