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Friday 27 November 2009

Is marriage blessing or curse?

Yesterday, I went along with my classmates to Rinpung District Court as a part of the field visit on application of law. I was seated with my colleagues in the courtroom and observing how trail system take place in our country.

As I observed the hearings, most were having their preliminary hearing and there were no defendants. Meanwhile, I was carried away by the cases that came in the court. Out of ten cases, I observed that morning, six were on marriage. Three came to get their marriage certificate. They
looked proud and I saw a lot of smiles on their faces when Drangpon Lungten Drubjur congratulated their marriage and said that court pray for their everlasting marriage with happiness and prosperity. Looking at those cases, I thought that marriage is something we should have in our live if we want to live happily and more prosperous manner as there is someone to care about us. I thought that there is nothing wrong in falling in love and there is no reason why we should not be falling in love. It is beautiful world when it comes to marriage.

Just after them, there came another two young ladies ofcourse one after another as they had a different case. One on battery case and another on betray. Both the ladies said that they have children. As instructed by Dasho Drangpon, to give an overview on the case, one seemed to have got frustrated and another so betrayed. One broke into tears and words could not come out of her mouth as it got stroked in her throat. He husband seemed to agree to what she said but he did not agree fully. Understanding this, Dasho let them sit down.

Dasho Drangpon said that their case was not really serious and it can still be solved internally. Dasho further said that court has no authority to either rejoin them or divorce them. It will depend on two of them and their evidences.

But Dasho reminded and cautioned them about who their children will suffer incase if they decide to divorce. He said that most of the children who are not being taken care well after the divorce, the child suffers from mental and psychological trauma in all aspects through out their life. Even if they have to mind to divorce, think of your children and decide well. The court gave both of them ten days to decide on the case and come to the court. But Dasho reaffirmed that their case will not be left like this, even if they solve internally. Based on their consensus internally, the court will issue a judgment t to protect her from further betrayal and deal according to this incase he fails to comply with the agreement.

Those case showed that marriage is not just having sex or for pleasure nor it for fun. It is beyond our reason and uncertainty. The repercussions of marriage are far beyond our control unless both the partners are able to control one’s mind and maintain firm trust as long they are married. The ultimate loss of divorce is to their children.

Thus, I was lost if realm of confusion. Is marriage a blessing or curse? For a moment I was lost in my illusion and I wished they everyone who are on the verge of taking such steps get a chance to come for such event. So that each one will reflect on one’s mind and decide well.

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