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Wednesday 18 November 2009

Is beauty necessary for the males to love a woman?

 I loved her and my friend loved his girlfriend and so does the story goes on. I fell in love with many girls and women in my life and so did my friends. Some accepted and some did not. We all had one common thing. Irrespective of our age, all my male colleagues seem to take beauty as
the criteria in choosing their beloved ones. I asked to many who got married and everyone agreed that they did consider beauty as number one criteria in selecting their sweethearts.
I asked myself, is beauty necessary thing that I would consider in choosing my life partner? My conscious mind said no, not necessary answered. But my subconscious part said yeah, I will consider that too as one of the primary criteria in loving her, no matter what kind of person I am. And I have now understood that that beauty is one of the most important parts of the any women. Men die in the name of beauty, subdue their ego in the name of beauty. The worst men surrender to fragile lady in the name of beauty. Men would kill his male enemies, deceive his family, oppose his parents, and challenge his teachers, just to listen to his lady because of her beauty. 

1 comment:

  1. you are a sensible guy i hope you won't kill for a girl.
    i dunno how guys think regarding girls but for me i am more inclined to a guy's personality and communication skills and of course his heart.
    but you didn't say what you prefer most.


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