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Monday 21 September 2009

Bhutan experiences 6.3 richter scale of Earthquake this afternoon

 "We were busy in the class,  suddenly  our  class building shook, we panicked and rush outside the class" said a first year student  of Sherubtse College still in her shivering voice  on this afternoon's Earthquake  in Bhutan.
She said that this was first time she experienced such a high magnitude of earthquake. She said " I am still in shock, fear and shivering" . 

Another a final year student Lobzang described it as a scary moment, She said that although nothing happened to them many died in other parts of the east.  She said " Just now we are in the football ground as the big one is yet to come" in a scary tone a short while ago. 
A report filed by the Kuensel, atleast three people were confirmed to have been killed in Mongar in the tragic incident this afternoon.
Kuensel also reported that there are reports of damages to chhoetens and Lhakhangs.

Bhutan Broadcasting Service, reported that the magnitude of the earthquake was 6.3 Richter scale and it happened at around 2.53 pm this afternoon. It also reported  that  the epicenter was somewhere between Trashigang and Mongar. In latest development, more than nine people died, three in Kanglung, 3 in Mongar and 3 in Samdrup Jongkhar.

Nima a student of Sherubtse college in an interview through phone with me said that they are still outside the house and did not get into house as they were warned by authorities that they can expect aftershocks till 9:00PM tonight. She said that they were informed that the epicenter was at Mongar.

Another student that this earthquake occurred twice with a short period in between. There are also unconfirmed reports that some of the college building might have got cracked.

 Meanwhile, the event  has caused  troubles and disturbed   in the eastern part of the country as Blessed Rainy Day is just a door step.  The mood and excitement for the blessed rainy day to them is definitely out of their mind as they are still waiting for the aftershocks if any tonight.

Scientists have warn that Bhutan is located in the sesmic zone and likely to experience huge magnitude of earthquake in the future.

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