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Thursday 3 September 2009

How do I age?

It has been almost 25 years since I came into this world.Yet I have never noticed that I have grown that old. I don't change me and I have tried make it point to observe myself how do I grow old but I could not do that all.

The only rational reason I have thought was to believe that everything in this world is an entropy. That is why the processes of aging is so smooth, always continuous one but rapid and speedy. That is the reason we see that just over few years, we have grown so much without actually feeling ourselves growing. Another possible reason i thought was that we always think of the next moment and the past.

Our mind is such that we can never actually think about the present at all times. No matter how far we are thinking of the present time, we always think of the past and future, at least few seconds and that is why we never find ourselves growing. That is why I fail myself to find out how am I aging?

I would define aging as process that is present and myself as a person either living in the past or future and never present, making myself ignorant of my aging.

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