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Tuesday 29 September 2009

Delivery: Death or Life!!! Mother, I can never be able to thank you for giving me a life!!!!!

We talk of love, we talk of beauty, we talk of life, we talk of marriage, we talk of happiness, we talk of sorrows of death, of loss, of love, of pain yet we never talk of labor pain, not in my life till now. Nobody talked about it, no great wariers, leaders, intellectuals have mentioned about even a word about it and for sure nobody will. If anyone really know the pain and agony our mothers go during the delivery, everyone would know how precious is our life, how much pain and difficulties our mothers go in hope of giving a life.

In the labor room, mothers fight between life and death. Mothers never seem to bother to face death if they can deliver their child safely. But to deliver that child safely, most of them undergo atleast six hours of extensive labor pain and agony. They cry at their loudest voice, torture their body muscles each time they have a pain. The pain is so much that some even stop breathing due to pain. Yet many husbands never bother to come during the delivery and that is why husbands never understand their partners well in the life. For them it is about marriage, about children and about sex. They never think about the pain that person undergoes.  That is why no one believe in the true sense how much our mothers are? We tend to love just for the sake of love driven by culture and not  because of the pain to give us life.

However, if we have felt the pain and sacrifices they made in delivering us, I am sure we will understand how precious is our mother. We would appreciate them in a better way than we usually do. We would also know that even throughout our life, we wouldn't be able to repay and reward our mother for what they have done to us.

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