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Monday 28 September 2009

The Price of a Beauty

As a man, we  always talk about beauty often express with different words and the meaning remains same.  Some call it gorgeous, some call it  kind, some call it gentle lady, some call it cute, some call it angel, some call it seductive, some call it charming and of course most call it beautiful and gorgeous. But whatever, the words may be, it has the same meaning, same taste, same destination, same truth but a different result and different cost too. Some good, some exceptionally good, some moderate, some pitiful, some not good and some very bad, some even worst. Generally, people define it as fate. 

A person like me, I would call it not fate but the process of life. Sometimes, we know that human life is the most beautiful that we even forget that there is so called eternal peace, because earth its self becomes more peaceful and wonderful place to live than so called eternal peace.  At times, one or the other day, everyone in this world not forgetting the few exceptions, encounter one or more hurdles and downs in life that we don't think of worst hell than the earth its self because, the pains are such that it becomes irreversible, irreparable and chronic throughout our life. Only those such moments, few of us long for peace and convinced ourselves that life is not a peace and we need to do something to get out this hell.Yet due to our attachments, emotions, desires, we can hardly ignore these to get out of it. Instead, most of the time, we tend to move more closer, get more attached, more emotional and drag ourselves into a more darker room particularly when we are in love. The more the person tries to get away from us, the more we tend to get inclined into it.On the contrary, the other person, more we move closer, more we care, more we love, less that person feel us, more that person gets irritated, become more angry, feel more neglected  and feel more ugly of the person who loves her and tries to keep more distance and finally moves far away from us, since we could not pay her what she feel should have been paid for her beauty. It is because we paid too lavishly yet she feels that the price for her beauty is too low and we are bargaining too low for her beauty. Unless she realizes one day that we have paid the highest price that anyone deserves, sometimes more than the love our parents gave to us, care that our parents have given us.  But this realization is almost nil or impossible for most of them and few might realize due to unforeseen circumstances but even those who realizes will not realize on time, because the price of a beauty is too expensive and simply immeasurable.   

Actually, if we have enough guts and strong enough to resists these, we can definitely be more peaceful and led a better life. But many lack these skills and abilities including myself. I wish there a tool that can erase our past emotions, so that the price of a beauty is not as expensive as we always think or usually do in our life. 

Since the time of emmorial, there are records showing that the greatest leaders scrificed their kingdoms in the name of love and beauty, killed their father and mother in the name of love and beauty. Countries fought wars after wars to win a beauty. And today, thousands of young peole around the globe are found to be commiting suicide in the name of love and search of beauty and it still present and it will go on untill there is no human life in the world. These are the prices of beauty.

Dedicated to  A Friend of Mine....................................

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