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Monday 5 October 2009

Customizing ringtone and CRBT: Whos Choice and for Whom?

Tashi dials a number 17600090. Immediately after dialing the number he hears a English Rock music  loud enough to make his ear drum senseless for a while. He immediately says oh! oh! my ear, oops what the hell is this music? It nearly made me deaf. He gets angry. Tashi get so angry that he does not realize that Karma on the other end picked up and phone. Karma answer, Hi Man! What happened? Is something wrong? Tashi says, nothing, everything is fine except your CRBT.

Sonam Yangchen calls her sweetheart. She dials his number. Immediately, a gentle, soft yet beautiful country song of James Blunt comes to her ear " You are beautiful, You are beautiful!". Her heart gets melted in the music because of her passion in music and because she loves him very much. She feels as if  he is singing this song in her ear and making her someone especial. After a while, he answers her, Hello Dear! How are you doing? I missed you darling. She smiles as if she sees him and answers, Hi dear, I am doing fine. I missed you too darling. And what about you? The conversation goes on.

Dawa's father died and he is in the cremation ground. He needs a help. He calls one of his friends, Tobgay. Immediately after he dials, he hears a song full of fun and joy, laughter and celebration. He gets emotionally hurt because he is just now sad and emotional trauma since his beloved dad passed away. Tobgay receives the call and he knew why Dawa called him. He without further  says, wai Dawa, I will be there in a moment. He then keeps his cell on the table. He realized that he has a music as caller ring back tone. He feels guilty because he knew that his friend Dawa must have hurt because Bhutanese people always carries a cultural baggage and that is not a good and this day for Dawa is for mourning and not to listen to music or laugh or celebrat either.

These few examples look funny and simple yet it signifies how a caller ring back tone in our cell phones might at times make person on the other end happy and at times it hurt person to a great extent.These are some of the pros and cons of chosing ring tones or CRBT.

Looking at the few examples stated above and understanding the realities of these situation, I feel that such facilities are at times not good to use. The question is that "Does that person like my choice of song? Will this song or music will not hurt the other person? Should I use this facilities at all? Am I really doing the right thing? It is because, some might feel happy to hear our CRBT. Some might get irritated  and might get angry. Some might feel offended. Some might feel so anoyed that he or sh may never call or receive the call from this particular person. In short, do we the callers and the receiver ever think of the repercurssions of use of such facilities?

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