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Sunday 25 October 2009

A journey back home: My Shercol

I have waiting for so long to this day ever since i passed out from the college way back in 2007.Today, I am proud that I reached  Shercol again.

As I reached Pam and crossed the Bamridrang Bridge, the beautiful smells of Jasmine flowers scented me before I reached my home, Shercol, the peak of learning. The smell of Jasmine  and the beautiful landscape of Rongthong took away all the  pains and body aches  during my travel from Thimphu to Tashigang which is about 580KM. I ascended the towards the college,  I felt the sensation of being able to reach the peak of learning  or Sherub Gi Tse.

Neither the recent earthquake of 6.3Ritcher scale nor the strong windstorms or the aftershocks of earthquake has been able to damage the old but homely beautiful buildings of the college. No even small cracks have developed on these walls. It must have been the blessing of the forefathers and the god of wisdom because the place is blessed to be  a place of learning.

The young, fragile, soft and energetic gents and ladies at the collage gate showed us the love of brotherhood, gave us the warm hugs, care and smiles making us feel not only  homely but also one of the most peaceful and pleasant place on this earth to live and beautiful moment to enjoy.

The situation is further made more homely and safe when we met our old teachers, some still young, some with grey hairs, some become bald. Yet they all had one thing in common. They loved to meet their students, smiled and congratulate their students for their success. They wanted to share about how we have been in the college and how we are doing now.

All those events made me realize that I have come back home once more. The home of learning, the home of enjoyment, the home of romance, the home of development and the home of nuturing ourselves by freely using all our abilities and skills unlike in the schools. We went to Sherubtse as a caterpillar and came back as a butterfly.

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