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Wednesday 7 October 2009

Lost in the rain

I opened my eyes and looked at the watch. The clock just hit 8 in the morning. But i didn't want to wake up. I was feeling heavy and dizzy. Usually, I would be up by 6 or 6:30 but atleast not today. The weather was really chill and raining too. I could hear the sounds of rain drops hitting the roof above my room and the roaring sound of Olarongchhu near my hostel. I could hear no sounds of human around me except the snoring sounds of my room mates. I felt little romantic. I felt little emotional. I felt little loneliness and empty.

In while, as I stood stll under my blanket, I slept partially for a while. I saw a day dream. A dream of romantic moments. I dreamt of a lady holding me and her arms over my shoulder with a smiling face alomst touching her lips with mine. She looked at me, smiled and says "Hey darling, I love you and will love you forever. I want to be with you in this rain. I wish this rain will not stop because I feel more romantic and the rain anticiaptes me to be with dear." Suddenly, someone woke me up. Wai, don't you have classes? Are you not going for breakfast. It is already half past eight. It was one of my room mates waking me up.

I stood up said to him. Oops, you disturbed me yeah man. I had a nice dream. He looked at me and said "Ha ha, you must have missed her tay". I replied who man? I don't have anyone to miss tay. He smiled and said "I mean you ex -girl friend tay. I know although she left you months before, you still miss her because she is beautiful, ha ha ha". I just gave him a smile back, no man, I am not. I thought for a while and found myself that yeah ofcourse, I did remember her gentle smiles as the rain drops hit the roofs. She use to tell me that she want to be in rain and rai  brings her mood of romancism. I just lloked at myself  adn smiled. I was lost in rain and everything I saw and thought is nothing but an illlusiona and reflection of the past.

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